Battleshed Diaries

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


One of my gaming acquaintances, (thanks RB!), has pointed me in the direction of Valhalla from East Street Game Company, since I've been mucking about in the Dark Ages for a while now. This game has popped up on my gaming radar a few times so I finally ordered the printed copy of the rulebook and registered on the web site. 

What intrigued me was the use of the 'online support site' that, once registered, (free), provides a complete warband design and management system as well as plenty of free resource downloads.

It's also described as a "... traditional skirmish wargame" using "12 to 18 figures per side and each warrior has a unique set of stats"

As the rulebook only dropped on the doormat today, I look forward to play-testing Valhalla in the near future and reporting my findings. In the meantime, there is a review from the Meeples and Miniatures Podcast.

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