A quick plug for another new blog that may tickle your wargaming fancy!
I'll have to disclose a particular interest, as its a shared blog from my club, Falkirk District Wargaming Club.
The idea behind a club blog is to provide a space where our members can author an article from time to time without having to maintain a personal blog. Many of my readers will intimately understand the mania of dark arts and obsession that can lead too! So now we've a nascent club blog, where our members can showcase their projects, after action reports and miscellaneous wargamy' articles they'd like to share with the wider community. It also compliments our main web site.
It's early days yet, and it'll be interesting to see what comes up given the wide range of wargaming experience within our club. The blog also has a private forum for our members, making it easier to organise campaigns etc. rather than using the limitations of the public club Facebook group. Like the blog authoring, its restricted to members only. Call it another club benefit! I hope the blog least tweaks your curiosity about what our members get up to in Falkirk!
I'll have to disclose a particular interest, as its a shared blog from my club, Falkirk District Wargaming Club.
The idea behind a club blog is to provide a space where our members can author an article from time to time without having to maintain a personal blog. Many of my readers will intimately understand the mania of dark arts and obsession that can lead too! So now we've a nascent club blog, where our members can showcase their projects, after action reports and miscellaneous wargamy' articles they'd like to share with the wider community. It also compliments our main web site.
It's early days yet, and it'll be interesting to see what comes up given the wide range of wargaming experience within our club. The blog also has a private forum for our members, making it easier to organise campaigns etc. rather than using the limitations of the public club Facebook group. Like the blog authoring, its restricted to members only. Call it another club benefit! I hope the blog least tweaks your curiosity about what our members get up to in Falkirk!