Battleshed Diaries

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Blast! That rotter, Don Paunchero!

Sharp Practice Portuguese Guerrillas

This week, I had an introduction to Sharp Practice! and an opportunity to play a scenario that’s generated much mirth and enthusiasm from other members at my wargaming club. I’ve occasionally found myself taking a quick break from whatever dice rolling I was engaged in at the time just to wander over to see what was causing such gusto. And then slightly surprised to find it was a historical game set in the black powder era, more often associated with all things studiously Napoleonic.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Digital or physical?

Command & Colors: The Great War from the Plastic Soldier Company. It’s a Kickstarter game that I backed in 2015 and since delivery has pretty much sat neglected ever since. For no particular reason that I can button down. Its even found its way from the Battleshed into the house, which is normally the preserve of my current board games of choice. Its as if it snuck in and just sits there, with its appealing cover art just hoping to be picked. Pick me! Pick me!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Rogue Stars: First impressions

Finally! I’ve had my first foray into Rogue Stars. My bio-engineered simian mercenaries successfully bid on a contract to assassinate a civilian target on Valtius IV. No questions asked. A quick job for easy credits. What could go wrong!?

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Sharp Practice and plumbing

Sharp Practice Régiment de la Reine French

This post was scheduled to be all about my first encounter with Sharp Practice, the lauded Black Powder rules from Too Fat Lardies that I’ve been eager to play. But I failed to make the planned introductory scenario at the local club on Monday due to a ‘plumbing incident’.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Battleshed Diaries has moved...

Battleshed Diaries has had the builders in! It's not moved far, just changed its address to:


Please use the brand, shiny new address from now on. Remember to update any bookmarks or blog rolls!

Unfortunately, this is likely to remove some historical Google+ comments and 'likes' not posted directly via this blog. Believe me, I've not taken the decision to rename this blog lightly, but I 'm hoping my readers will understand my reason for renaming the blog's url.

In the meantime, my apologies for the inconvenience. I won't be doing this gain in a hurry!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Broken Legions: First impressions

I’ve been chomping at the bit to try two recent rule additions to the Battleshed library, both are from Osprey Publishing with their distinctive blue livery and captivating cover picture. One is Rogue Stars, the other is Broken Legions. It was pretty much fifty-fifty which one would get to be played first, with Mark Latham’s skirmishing in a faux Roman Empire winning out.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Rogue Stars: The Ucrian Harbingers

Rogue Stars Ucrian Harbingers Bio-engineered Simian squad

The latest crew to enlist at the Battleshed Barracks are five hardnosed and rather hirsute mercenaries calling themselves the Ucrian Harbingers. My first crew for Rogue Stars!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

A glance back, then a Mighty Stride forward

Happy New Year! Battleshed Diaries is limbering up for another year of multifarious wargaming, ridiculously ambitious hobby projects and some serious Lead Mountain mining! And to help activate a movement roll from the passing distractions and indulgences of recent festivities, I’ve actually picked up a brush or two and splattered some paint near some miniatures. Good omens indeed! But first, a quick review of the past year and a look ahead to what I optimistically think will be filling my 2017 gaming calendar.